Government, law enforcement giving absolution to ACORN

It seems we now have a trifecta of absolution regarding ACORN's sound fiduciary, uh, "counseling" protocols for those seeking federally-backed home loans last summer. Things had been quiet about the matter for a while. Talk about opening an old wound.

First, ACORN grants itself absolution in December of '09 after hiring an "outside" legal expert.

Days later Massachusetts Attorney General seconds the motion.

And now, months later, as reported by FOXNews we have an NY AG pronouncing non-criminality for ACORN or its employees who counseled a couple posing as Pimp Daddy (aka filmmaker James O'Keefe) and Prostitute (aide Hannah Giles) on how to launder "earnings" and avoid detection from the law in order to qualify for said home loan.

Naturally, ACORN is relieved -

We are gratified that the district attorney, after a thorough investigation, found no evidence of criminal wrongdoing by ACORN.

Hopefully today's announcement, and similar results from independent reviews, will make politicians and media examine the facts more carefully the next time a valuable community organization is attacked.

It looks like the jokes on us. There's no need to rehash the "he said/she said" back and forth between ACORN pundits and those that find ACORN's counseling principles lacking... or their social-engineering existence for that matter. What does deserve comment is this: if counseling those involved in clearly illegal activity (not just prostitution but that which also supposedly involved the underaged) on how to evade taxes, lie about their means of income (which, in pretty much every case involving such a profession, is "unverifiable" at any rate), and manipulate a federal home loan document doesn't qualify as criminal... then is there any such thing as "white collar" crime?

What does ACORN stand for - American Communists Organized to Restructure a Nation?  How could these two AG's find no criminality in these ACORN employee's actions? With this type of Three Blind Mice/See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil law enforcement and fiduciary oversight is it surprising that so many "soft crime" individuals and organizations skate?

We're talking about large-scale, government or associated bodies such as the toothless SEC, Fannie Mae and its high jinks, (at least twice), our AG's, et al., ad nauseum. State governments are teetering ala California. Just last week the House GOP's were asking where Obama's "overhaul" plans for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are. Obama's reply? "We'll get ‘em next year." Delay, "something was in my eye" blindness, and prevarication are the order of the day I guess.

Is it any wonder that the nothing-can-stop-us-now ‘90's have given way to this millennium's monkey business? Will Rogers said, "I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts." I'm not laughing.




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