February 26, 2010
Dems plan to astroturf conservative radio
Several weeks ago, Ben Smith at Politico found himself so enamored with the eloquence of a letter in defense of President Obama that he chose to remain in the dark as to the author and their motivation. In fairness to Mr. Smith, he wasn't the only journalist that fell for Ellie Light's deception. Over 60 newspapers published the Ellie Light letters before the truth was uncovered.
We should give credit to Ben Smith for learning from the Ellie Light fiasco. Mr. Smith reports
The Democratic National Committee's Organizing for America has quietly launched an initiative aimed at making Obama supporters' voices heard on the largely conservative airwaves.
"The fate of health reform has been a focus of debate in living rooms and offices, on TV and online-and on talk radio. And since millions of folks turn to talk radio as a trusted source of news and opinions, we need to make sure that OFA supporters are calling in with a pro-reform message," says the introduction to the online tool.
The online tool presents users with a radio show discussing political topics, to which supporters can listen live, and the phone number for that station, for when health care comes up. It also offers tips for callers and talking points on the issue.
Team Obama, the DNC, OFA and David Axelrod (the king of astroturfing) certainly know how to stick to their game-plan, but like any other poorly coached team they keep underestimating the opposition. Can the future former president's propagandists really believe that their attempt to hi-jack the airwaves with Obamazombie callers will change public opinion on the disaster that is Obamacare?
It looks as if those of us who listen to conservative talk radio are in for a real treat in the weeks to come. Bring it on, we could all use a good laugh!
Phil Boehmke