White House: Stim bill 'saved or created' 1.7 million jobs

Barack Obama's stimulus plan has been such a monumental failure that even the AP, who we've come to know as the Abracadabra Press, recently reported that the measure has had no effect on job growth. Perhaps all the negative press would call for the president to change his view on the stimulus package, perhaps by not talking about it at all, and get serious about measures that will trigger job growth in the U.S.

Or maybe not.

Today, the Washington Post reports

The $787 billion economic stimulus package has created or saved between 1.7 million and 2 million jobs, but its impact on the economy ebbed slightly in the final quarter of 2009 compared with prior months, the White House said Tuesday night.

Raise your hand if you believe that the stimulus package has had that kind of effect on the job market?

Right, I kept my hand in my pocket as well.

Earlier this week, it was reported that the president's administration had dropped its phony saved or created measure in favor of jobs funded, another counterfeit measure, but here it is again and in its boldest fashion to date. The week before, the president promised a hard pivot to focus on job creation, but instead we're seeing the prolongation of job growth deception

How much longer can we afford to give weight to the president's words over his actions?

At this point, there's nothing he can say or do to reverse the invalidity of the stimulus package. The rationale provided to support its passing, the measurements created to assess its effectiveness, and the subsequent data that has been presented to the public are all falsehoods, and the American people know it. It's unfortunate that the president assumes we don't, and rather than focus on righting his massive wrong for the good of the nation, he furthers his obstinacy by continuing to present chicken shit as chicken salad.

This isn't change you could believe in.

However, you can believe that Barack Obama is determined to be the unemployment president because even though in his first year, over 4 million jobs have been lost and unemployment has reached double digits, he has no plans to do anything for the labor market to ensure he doesn't hold that title.

J.C. Arenas is a frequent contributor to American Thinker and welcomes your comments at jcarenas.com


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