Obama didn't follow election returns?

Hmmm. On Sunday President Barack  Obama (D) traveled to New Jersey to help the state's embattled governor Jon Corzine (D) in his re-election bid against Chris Christie (R). The next day Vice President Joe Biden (D) visited a small town in New York State campaigning for Bill Owens (D) running for congressrepresentative against Conservative party candidate Doug Hoffman. Previously both Obama and Biden had visited Virginia to help Democratic gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds opposed by Bob McDonnell, a Republican.

So that is why so many were highly skeptical when the president's press secretary Robert Gibbs told Politico's Josh Gersten and Alexander Burns, "He's not watching returns," Gibbs said.

Oh really? Really, really.

In Tuesday's White House press briefing, Gibbs dismissed suggestions that the two governor's races and a special election in upstate New York could be a preview of the 2010 congressional midterms.

"I don't think, looking at the two gubernatorial races, you can draw with any great insight what's going to happen a year from now," he said.

This is true. But certainly Obama is interested in the outcome of the people for whom he campaigned. And if not, why did he campaign for them? So if he didn't watch the returns, he should have. After all, the results will affect his presidency. He does know that. Doesn't he?

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