Obama's new pastor?

I could get excited about this if I thought that President Obama actually paid attention to sermons. However, we have it on his own word that he never picked up on Jeremiah Wright's attitude toward "G..D... America" so why should his new apparent favorite. Tim Reid of the UK Times reports:

More than a year after he was forced to disown his Chicago pastor, President Obama has begun to attend services led by a Christian chaplain who views Islam as a violent faith.

Mr. Obama has been an irregular church attender since becoming president, but has expressed a fondness for Carey Cash, the Navy chaplain at the Camp David presidential retreat who has been criticised for proselytising in the military and his mistrust of Islam.

The White House insists that the Rev. Cash, the great-nephew of the singer Johnny Cash, has not become Mr. Obama's new pastor, but it appears that the President has heard more sermons by him than any other minister since taking office. [....]

He told reporters this summer that Mr. Cash "delivers as powerful a sermon as I've heard in a while. I really think he's excellent".

Let's hope the president pays more attention to Rev. Cash than he did to Rev. Wright.

Hat tip: D.M. Giangreco
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