Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary, Just how anti-American are you?

Mary Robinson, who has done much damage as the leader of Durban I-the UN Conference that became an anti-American and anti-Semitic hate fest, will receive our nation's highest civilian award this week, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Jennifer Rubin at Commentary contentions has done admirable work revealing her anti-Israel bona fides; Claudia Rosett  and John Bolton  have illuminated her history of anti-American statements and actions over the years (the reasons Obama probably thought she was deserving of a medal).

The UN Watch is a well-regarded non-governmental organization, based in Geneva, that was established decades ago to monitor the UN and ensure that it held true to its charter-to safeguard human rights in a non-biased way. Needless to say, the group has been quite busy over the years as the UN has become a plaything of tyrants and ant-American despots who have used the UN to restrain America, disparage capitalism, and demonize Israel.

The group is headed by Hillel Neuer, who can be seen being treated with disdain by the UN Human Rights Council when he criticized them for ignoring human rights violations around the world while it spent its time castigating Israel 

Of course, Mary Robinson has a history with this particular UN Group as she headed its predecessor the UN Commission on Human Rights, and oversaw its blatant turn towards anti-American, anti-Israel activism. Neuer knows her history, and sent a letter to Robinson, noting some facts and asking her some questions.
. It is a bill of particulars that neither she nor the President who chose to honor her will bother to read.

Some tidbits:

That You Condoned the Tehran Hatred of February 2001

In February 2001, when the Tehran preparatory meeting of Asian states adopted a text condemning only one country-demonizing Israel as a country guilty of a "new kind of apartheid, a crime against humanity," and calling Zionism a "racist and violent movement based on racist and discriminatory ideas"- your response was to congratulate the Tehran delegates for their "high degree of consensus."

That You Opposed the U.S. at the Geneva Pre-Conference of August 2001

Lantos detailed your actions during the emergency Geneva meeting of August 2001, a last-minute attempt to stave off the impending disaster. "Mrs. Robinson's intervention with the assembled delegates later in the same day left our delegation deeply shocked and saddened. In her remarks, she advocated precisely the opposite course to the one Secretary [Colin] Powell and I had urged her to take. Namely, she refused to reject the twisted notion that the wrong done to the Jews in the Holocaust was equivalent to the pain suffered by the Palestinians in the Middle East.

His letter is worth reading as its gives us an insight into the type of ideology that Obama himself holds.


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