Black conservative Lloyd Marcus on tour across America

Both of us type "A" personalities, my wife Mary and I, forced ourselves to take a break from emails, computers, faxes, and writing. We spent a leisurely Wednesday at our favorite New Smyrna Beach here in Florida. While chillin' in our beach chairs, a seagull landed about ten feet away. I tossed a piece of fried chicken about five feet from him.

The timid seagull took a few hesitant steps toward the food and stopped. Suddenly, another seagull swooped down and consumed the free meal. I threw more pieces of chicken progressively closer to my chair which drew about a dozen seagulls. The original gull squawked and watched. I thought, "You wimp, everyone around you is feasting on chicken and you don't have the guts to take a reasonable risk." Too bad he doesn't have Obama to spread the chicken around.

It is interesting how God has designed life that every achievement requires a little faith, courage and risk. Beginning today in Sacramento, Calif., I will be traveling and performing my "American Tea Party Anthem" across our great land on the national tour. Our tour will finale at the Taxpayer March on DC and rally Sept. 12th.

SEIU thugs put black conservative Kenneth Gladney in the emergency room for simply selling "Don't Tread on Me" flags outside of a town hall meeting. I too, as a black conservative, risk the same fate or worse because of my outspoken and visible opposition to Obama's far left agenda. I guess those who voted for Obama purely because of his race, think we black conservatives deserve extreme punishment for not supporting the first black president regardless of his policies.

Nevertheless, preserving America as we know it, is worth any risk. Our brave young U.S. Military troops put everything on the line for our great country every day. Throughout our history many brave people have suffered and died to preserve our freedom, liberty and culture. My risk pales in comparison.

I am proud and honored to be chosen by God to have the opportunity to stand up for America. We on the Tea Party Express Tour covet your prayers and support as we travel to restore and preserve our great country.

Quoting a courageous American, Todd Beamer, "Let's roll."

Lloyd Marcus, Singer/Songwriter of the "American Tea Party Anthem", is President, NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color) and star of the Lloyd Marcus TV Show.
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