Another Democratic senator in trouble

American Thinker's political correspondent Rich Baehr reports that another Democratic senator is facing a serious challenge for re-election thanks largely to the cap and trade bill.

Baehr writes:

Two term Democrat Senator Blanche Lincoln, was one of 4 Democratic Senators who released a statement today that there should be no cap and trade provision in any energy bill passed this year, and that the focus of any new energy bill should be on renewables.

The unpopularity of cap and trade, may be just one of of the reasons why Ms Lincoln finds herself facing a tough re-election race in 2010, with a mid July poll showing that only 27% of Arkansas voters believe she deserves re-election and 60% do not. It is likely that attitudes towards incumbent Democrats has soured further since then. John McCain carried Arkansas by almost 20% in 2008, and Arkansas, without the Clintons ,seems to be turning redder. A sign of the improved GOP chances in the 2010 Senate race, is the long list of potential challengers to Ms Lincoln in 2010.

That list includes a former aide to Mike Huckabee and an Iraq War vet among many others.

It's senators like Lincoln in Arkansas and other senators from coal rich states that have probably killed cap and trade in the senate. The NAM report that showed 2 million jobs being lost under the emissions regimen along with the expected rise in consumer electric bills has made many senators leery of committing to the folly of cap and trade.

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