International Debt Brings International Threat

Both political parties have spent the nation into a place where America’s freedom to act in her self-defense interest is inhibited.

There are at least three ways to interpret the relationship between China and N. Korea. The Noko’s are a pit bull at the end of a leash held in Beijing. Or, N. Korea is the crazy uncle living in a shotgun house next to an embarrassed rich relative who feeds them. Or, some combination of the two.  

Whatever the relationship, reports that China has warned the United States not to harm their uncle pit bull.

‘“Under no circumstance should there be the use of force or the threat of use of force’ in implementing the sanctions in Resolution 1874, Chinese Ambassador Zhang Yesui said in New York. Inspecting vessels carrying North Korean cargo is “complicated” and ‘sensitive,’ he said.”

Imagine a scenario where there is “actionable intelligence” that the NoKo’s are shipping WMD materials to a nation or group hostile to the United States. The NoKo ship is intercepted on the high seas by a U.S. Navy vessel, but refuses to stop for an inspection.  

Since we owe hundreds of billions of dollars to China, with more to come, we’re left with one alternative. Tie a warning ticket to a rock and toss it onto the NoKo ship’s deck and sail away, hoping for a change in their attitude.
“U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice said at a White House briefing that the sanctions have ‘teeth that will bite.’ She pointed out that the resolution doesn’t authorize the use of military force.”
Someone needs to help me with this: “Teeth that will bite” but no military force?  Sounds more like a mouth that will gum.  

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