'A Weak American President'

Writing in Forbes Magazine , Anne Bayefsky has Obama pegged to a "T."

After listing the incredible obtuseness of Obama's remarks on what's going on in Iran, Bayefsky lets him have it:

This is a man who embodies the opposite of the courage to act. His appalling ignorance of history prompted him to claim at his press conference that "the Iranian people ... aren't paying a lot of attention to what's being said ... here." On the contrary, from their jail cells in the Gulag, Soviet dissidents took heart from what was being said here--as all dissidents dream that the leader of the free world will be prepared to speak and act in their defense.

The president's storyline that we don't know what has transpired in Iran is an insult to the intelligence of both Americans and Iranians. Our absence from the polling booths doesn't mean the results are a mystery. The rules of the election were quite clear. Candidates for president must be approved by the 12-member Council of Guardians. As reported by the BBC, more than 450 Iranians registered as prospective candidates while four contenders were accepted. All 42 women who attempted to run were rejected. So exactly what part of rigged does President Obama not understand?

Instead of denouncing the fake election, President Obama now tells Iranians who are dying for the real thing "the United States respects the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran." Whose sovereignty is that? The Hobbesian sovereign thugs running the place? Sovereignty to do what? To deny rights and freedoms to their own people? In a state so bereft of minimal protections for human dignity, why should the sovereignty of such a government be paramount?

Famous Soviet dissident Anton Scharansky often recalls in public the huge spiritual lift he and other prisoners rotting in the Gulag got when Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire." Words are cheap, Mr. President. And a few well directed, intelligent criticisms of the brutality under way in Tehran right now would cheer the demonstrators while putting the enemies of freedom on the spot.

Read the whole piece at the link.

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