Global warming on Jupiter?

Global warming activists need to explain a news story last night.  It appears that the Great Red Spot on the planet Jupiter is shrinking.  Scientists theorize that this is a result of... planetary climate change.

Based on meteorological observations of the planet's surface, it is  believed that the poles are getting cooler, while the equator is getting warmer.  As a result of this (or perhaps vice-versa; these planetary phenomena are not well understood), certain persistent storms are growing stronger while others (including said Red Spot) are weakening.

Of course, Jupiter's climate change is due to natural phenomena, while we are reminded daily Earth's climate change is our fault.  If the Great Red Spot, which is twice the diameter of the earth
  can shrink via natural causes, what's a temperature fluctuation of 1 degree in 20 years for us here on Earth?  Is it time for a cap-and-trade system on Jupiter?

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