Another 70's radical freed

Sara Jane Olsen, the former Symbionese Liberation Army radical who was a fugitive from justice for a quarter of a century, has completed half of her 14 year prison sentence in California for placing shrapnel-laden pipe bombs under LAPD squad cars, and being an accessory to a bank heist murder in Carmichael, California, in 1975, and  was released on parole. Prior to going on the lam, she was known as Kathleen Soliah, part of the gang of thugs who kidnapped, gang raped, and ransomed Patty Hearst, among other crimes.

Gary Larson describes her return to her native Minnesota (where she posed as a doctor's wife, community theatre actress and Democrat activist) in the Intellectual Conservative:

Nary a word to waiting reporters about what she had learned, maybe, from two trials and seven years in prison. Family and friends embraced her, scooping her up at the baggage claim at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport for the 15-minute drive to her ivy-covered home in the upper-middle class Highland Park neighborhood of St. Paul.

She offered not a nod, or a wave, to waiting reporters. No statement today, an anonymous friend told the waiting reporters.  Her car sped by them, into her home's attached garage, out of sight, for unloading.

Neighbors strolled by, some with dogs on leashes; a few wondering why the commotion on their street. Trucks with satellite TV antennae pointed skyward stood at the ready to broadcast something, anything, a glimpse of the convicted felon, maybe a celebrity wave, in time for the 6 p.m. newscasts.  They went back empty. 

On her return Sara Jane was "wearing a tan trenchcoat and a happy smile," said the Star Tribune.

Like presidential buddy Bill Ayers, Soliah/Olson seems to have plenty of supporters on the left, who think being a murderous thug is not such a bad thing if your politics are left wing enough. In the wake of the murder of 4 Oakland Police Officers this weekend, freedom for a failed cop killer wannabe after only 7 years in prison seems an affront to all who protect and serve.
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