Getting to know the Obama team

Personnel is policy, goes the old dictum on judging appointments of a president-elect. Regardless of the stated goals and policies, the people who are in charge of making things happen will shape an administration. So it is important to understand the people who will be running Barack Obama's White House.

Case in point: Valerie Jarrett, the Daley Machine insider who is now senior White House Advisor to the incoming administration. Ms. Jarrett has done very well for herself as head of the Habitat Company, which managed the notorious Grove Parc Plaza housing complex in Chicago, home to many of Barack Obama's constituents. AT has covered  this disaster (for the tenants) before. But Doug Ross does a great job of explaining how Jarrett prospered while poor people suffered, using many pictures, to give you an idea of the kind of actual results delivered by this new powerhouse-to-be in the American government.

Don't hold your breath waiting for the mainstream media to tell Americans about the kind of change Jarrett delivered for Grove Parc residents.

Hat tip: Larwyn
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