Creating the illusion of unstoppability on Election Day

Indiana's Marion County is where the Obama campaign has been sending ACORN/SEIU thug activists for the past ten months to create the illusion on Election Day that he is "unstoppable". It's only a three hour drive from the gutters of Chicago to Indianapolis (in Marion County) and there are hundreds of ACORN/SEIU activist who have made the trip many times over the course of this election season.

Why? Because the polls in Indiana close at 6PM Central. There will still be polls open on the east coast when Indiana polls close, and the salivating Obama-supporting media can make their first projections. The entire Obama candidacy depends upon the illusion created by ACORN/SEIU activists fraudulently registering massive numbers of "new voters" who either don't exist or who won't show up.

Proof? In Marion County, the corrupt Democrat operatives have managed to turn in registrations for 105% of the voting age population. Check it out for yourself here:
Secretary Rokita Addresses Voter Fraud. That link comes directly from the official Indiana election site. Secretary Rokita is quite adamant concerning the miserable job done by election officials in Marion County. He is also quite sure that the requirement that voters present photo ID will offset the fraud committed by ACORN in creating this illusion manufactured for Election Day.

It is my belief that the story from Marion County will become the equivalent of the early call of Florida for Gore in the 2000 election. I expect to see early stories of "massive and unexpected turnout in Indianapolis" all day long with a very early call (like 6:01) of Marion County for Obama, followed by "if McCain is doing this poorly in Indiana, it's all over". The whole purpose of such a story will be to suppress Republican turnout in states where the polls are still open, particularly in Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada.

There is no question that this election is going to be tight. There is also no question that it will be the Republican Get Out The Vote effort which will make or break John McCain's chance of winning. There is no question that Obama, Axelrod and the media will be working hand in glove all day Tuesday to generate as much positive noise about the inevitability of an Obama win as possible. There is a solution to the problem: "Now get out there and vote, dammit"

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