Chris Matthews leg tingle goes to his head

It is a fine thing indeed when Chris Matthews (and no doubt his entire, wretchedly biased network) telegraphs just how he is going to cover the Obama Administration.

Not content to being in the tank for the Democrat the entire campaign, now that Obama is about ready to assume office, Matthews is about ready to assume the position; spread eagle on the floor, prostrate in worship to the one and whatever he wants to do as where ever he wants to take us.

Chris Matthews loves Obama so much, he wants to be his slave. Mark Finklestein of Newsbusters with a transcript of Matthews appearance on "Morning Joe:"

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Yeah, well, you know what? I want to do everything I can to make this thing work, this new presidency work, and I think that --

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Is that your job? You just talked about being a journalist!

MATTHEWS: Yeah, it is my job. My job is to help this country.

Matthews wasn't done with his odd new job description . . . An incredulous Scarborough kept pressing, astonished at such a complete 180 from Matthews's repeated insistence during the Bush presidency that he had to hold the government accountable.

SCARBOROUGH: Your job is the make this presidency work?

 MATTHEWS: To make this work successfully. This country needs a successful presidency.

Matthews will hardly be alone in that sentiment. Once Obama assumes office, the "speaking truth to power" line we've heard so often during the past eight years will be a thing of the past.

Matthews is just giving voice to the many "journalists" out there who have already been sold to the Obama White House - body and soul. It will probably get quite entertaining reading these folks as they try and defend the indefensible and sell the unsellable.

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