Obama Campaign: Carbon Kills

Just this weekend American Thinker published Lord Monckton's massive plea to John McCain that urged the Republican candidate to rethink his position on global warming. Today, the Wall Street Journal reports that Barack Obama intends to immediately impose draconian measures (using the EPA) on the American economy in a Don Quixotian effort to fix the fiction of man made global warming.

According to the WSJ, Jason Grumet, a top Obama advisor has indicated:

...that come January the Environmental Protection Agency "would initiate those rulemakings" that classify carbon as a dangerous pollutant under current clean air laws. That move would impose new regulation and taxes across the entire economy, something that is usually the purview of Congress.

Carbon is an element necessary for all known biological life -- not a dangerous pollutant. It gets even worse:

The EPA would monitor and regulate the carbon emissions of "lawn and garden equipment" as well as everything with an engine, like cars, planes and boats. Eco-bureaucrats envision thousands of other emissions limits on all types of energy. Coal-fired power and other fossil fuels would be ruled out of existence, while all other prices would rise as the huge economic costs of the new regime were passed down the energy chain to consumers.

Congress (even a Democrat-controlled Congress) has stopped these insane proposals in the past. Americans will take only so much of this nonsense. But, as you may have noticed in that first quotation, a new Obama administration will attempt to circumvent the congress and use the administrative rules and regulations of the EPA to impose these measures.

Why? Why would Obama do an end run around Congress?

Mr. Grumet justified it this way: "The U.S. has to move quickly domestically . . . We cannot have a meaningful impact in the international discussion until we develop a meaningful domestic consensus."

In other word, to hell with the democratic process -- we've got a man made global warming catastrophe on our hands!

Brave new world coming at you in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ...

Hat tip: Otis Glazebrook (the IV!)

Larrey Anderson is a writer, philosopher, and a deputy editor for American Thinker.
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