Treeing Sarah Palin

They are like a pack of slathering hounds ... aren't they? ... the mainstream media in its pursuit to tree Sarah Palin on some obscure issue. The MSM thinks it is hot on the heels of an Alaskan snow bunny; but it may be cornering a cougar.

First, it was the Bush Doctrine. Charles Gibson howled at the moon about a doctrine so vague that even John Kerry agrees (except when he disagrees) with it. There was no right answer to Gibson's multi-angled question to Palin about the so-called "Bush Doctrine" and Gibson knew it.

Then the MSM bayed at Palin for throwing good people out of work and banning books. (Yap. Yap.) Palin's record as mayor, according to the MSM, consisted of two things: 1. Firing a bunch of really competent people. (If Sarah were a Democrat it would have been seen as "fighting corruption" or "cleaning house.") 2. Banning Huckleberry Finn. No, she didn't do either ... but hounds run on instinct not intellect.

Now the MSM is chasing down Sarah's "fundamentalism." This will be the big one. This one makes MSM nostrils flare. They catch the scent of a Christian and snarl to themselves, "Got her treed." The woman not only believes in God, she actually thinks human beings should be free to debate and discuss the differences between creationism, intelligent design, and Darwinism. Maybe even talk about it in public schools!

Yip. Yip. Nip at the ankles. Blood (pant, pant, pant) -- is that the smell of blood?

What the MSM does not understand is that there are tens of millions of American voters who believe what Sarah believes. On November 4, this puma will roar.

Larrey Anderson is a writer and philosopher. His latest award-winning novel is The Order of the Beloved.
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