Charlie Gibson's interview questions for Obama vs. for Palin

Charlie Gibson of ABC News applied very different standards to asking questions of Barack Obama and Sarah Palin. A side-by-side comparison is revealing. William Katz of Urgent Agenda lists the questions  Charlie Gibson asked Barack Obama and those he asked Sarah Palin. The contrast is remarkable evidence of laughable bias. Gibson looks very bad.

UA Reader Bill Palmer gets the credit for the comparison:

Ironically, the Hillary Clinton Forum published this list of the Obama questions:

How does it feel to break a glass ceiling?
How does it feel to "win"?
How does your family feel about your "winning" breaking a glass ceiling?
Who will be your VP?
Should you choose Hillary Clinton as VP?
Will you accept public finance?
What issues is your campaign about?
Will you visit Iraq?
Will you debate McCain at a town hall?
What did you think of your competitor's [Clinton] speech?

And the Palin questions:

Do you have enough qualifications for the job you're seeking? Specifically have you visited foreign countries and met foreign leaders?
Aren't you conceited to be seeking this high level job?
Questions about foreign policy
-territorial integrity of Georgia
-allowing Georgia and Ukraine to be members of NATO
-NATO treaty
-Iranian nuclear threat
-what to do if Israel attacks Iran
-Al Qaeda motivations
-the Bush Doctrine
-attacking terrorists harbored by Pakistan
Is America fighting a holy war? [misquoted Palin]

Gibson-Obama interview transcript here .

Gibson-Palin interview transcript here.  

Hat tip: Ed Lasky
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