The DNC to feature 'Wright in a Dress'

Barack Obama threw his pastor Jeremiah Wright under the bus for dissing Obama as just another politician. He will embrace Leah Daughtry, Wright's female liberation theology doppelganger, at the Democratic National convention for, as DNC Chair Howard Dean's chief of staff, he has "commissioned" her to orchestrate the convention.

Daughtry is of the same school as Wright, according to the profile the New York Times ran of her on July 20, 2008. As daughter to Herbert Daughtry, Wright's fellow traveler, Leah Daughtry has preached in her father's church with its "simple wooden cross hung on a brick wall in the vaulted and sizable sanctuary,... [and b]elow the sanctuary, in the fellowship hall, a banner for slavery reparations proclaimed, ‘They Owe Us.'"

When she speaks about black liberation theology and its author, James Cone, Daughtry's voice takes on an "extra passion." Daughtry doesn't distance herself from Cone's book "A Black Theology of Liberation" because she thinks Americans are more concerned about "disparities" in American society than they are about ideas dependent for their validity on Malcolm X's Islamic radicalism.

The excerpts of Daughtry's "sermon" which the NYT's Daniel Bergner quotes reflect Wright's anthropocentric rather than Christocentric sensibility that is the hallmark of liberation theology.

Obama will have no trouble embracing Daughtry. He may have tossed Wright under the bus, but he has never tossed Malcolm X who is the source of the noxious "theology" James Cone created and Jeremiah Wright taught him. He'll feel right at home.

Helen Cadogan is the owner of iEdit.
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