Facing Mass Starvation, North Korea looks to America for help

It will get little press because it goes against the narrative of the United States being a heartless, imperial power bent on world domination.

But it still says something so basic about America and her people that we will not turn our backs on starving people - even an enemy who routinely calls for our destruction:

A team of United States officials is visiting North Korea to survey the country's desperate food shortage. The visit is a possible prelude to the United States supplying food aid.

The U.S. visit to North Korea comes amidst the country's dire shortage of basic food staples.

South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman Moon Tae-young said Tuesday, the American envoys are looking to help.

He points out that last year's massive flooding caused a poor harvest in North Korea. Also, a spike in world grain prices means less grain is available, worldwide. He says the U.S. team has been assigned to assess conditions and discuss means of providing aid.

This isn't the first time the US would be helping North Korea stave off a humanitarian disaster. Back in the 1990's, we shipped several million tons of food to North Korea when the rice crop failed.

As with today's action, the North Korean people may believe their government's denunciations of the US. But they can't miss the great big "US" stamped on each life saving sack or box of food that will feed our enemies and prevent millions from starving.

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