Obama Tied with Hillary in Texas: Closing in Ohio

The latest Rasmussen tracking poll from Texas. has Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in a statistical tie as does the most recent ABC-Washington Post poll.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton's lead in Ohio is shrinking - just 7 points now in the ABC-WaPo poll.

In Texas, Rasmussen has the race Clinton 47-44 over Obama, well within the margin of error while the Washington Post poll has Hillary up a single point at 48-47.

In Ohio, The Post poll shows Clinton up over Obama 50-43. Last week, her lead in the polls ranged from 14-21 points.

As in other races since Super Tuesday, once a state or states emerge as the primary focus of the race and Obama begins to concentrate his efforts, Hillary Clinton's numbers drop and Obama's soar. There's nothing she has been able to do so far to stop it. She just hasn't been able to kill Obama's momentum.

The bad news for Clinton is that there are still 11 days until the primaries in Texas and Ohio - plenty of time for Obama to work his magic and cast his spell over those voters. He has the money, the momentum, and the message Democrats want to hear.


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