Jihad in Ireland (updated)

Our friend Tom Carew blogs from Ireland. He calls our attention to a television documentary produced by state-owned RTE 1 TV covering the state of jihad in Ireland. It does not bring comforting news. Tom outlines the content of program in some detail. But the quick summary is:
Firstly, there is a Jihadi propaganda operation active in Ireland.

Secondly, there is, within the Muslim community in Ireland, high-level sympathy for Jihad.

Thirdly, there is a small [15%-19%] element in this community, which supports such terror.

Fourthly, several active Jihadi terrorists have been identified with Irish links.

Fifthly, a significant Al-Qaida figure is based in Dublin for some 25 years, and has acquired Irish citizenship.
This sounds quite similar to the situation in the UK, though the percentage of Muslims in the Irish population must be lower than in Britain, one would guess. The habit of Western countries allowing mass immigration has led to a seeding of jihad cells in too many locations.

Many of us (including me, I confess; I am proud of my Irish blood) have a rather sentimental view of Ireland. No longer quaint, inward-looking, and clannish, it is a dynamic, prosperous rapidly-growing economy, the "Celtic Tiger" of the EU.  Rather than exporting people, as it did for over a century, Ireland now is attracting immigrants, including, apparently, sizable numbers of Muslims.

Quite clearly, in an age of jihadi terror, the wisdom of allowing unfettered immigration from lands where the Islamist political ideology holds sway is questionable. Even in the Auld Sod.


The documentary is now available oin the web here.
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