Bad tippers and bitter waitresses


Once, years ago, I heard a heard a lecture by a rabbi on dating. He advised that if your date treats a waiter/waitress or a busboy in a condescending and mean manner, that is the way they will treat you after a while — if you were to marry them. Today's New York Post had an article about cheap celebrity tippers listed on the website

I went there to see how many well known political "champions of the little guy and gal" rated. I cross referenced the website with liberals from Bernard Goldberg's Hundred People Screwing Up America.

Let's see. First up, Michael Moore, 3% tip.

Tipper's Name: Michael Moore (yes THAT Michael Moore)

Where it happened: Los Angeles

Total bill / Tip amount / Percentage: $452.25 / $17.74 / 3%

What happened:

OK i ran my ass off for this guy and his friends. Funny I didnt know this guy had friends, maybe they were kissups. 2.5 hours they spent shoveling food down their fat faces. Numerous refills. By the way MM is a pompous ass judging from his treatment of the staff.

Let's see again. Barbra Streisand, 2% tip.

Tipper's Name: Barbra Streisand

Where it happened: New York

Total bill / Tip amount / Percentage: $457.00 / $10.00 / 2%

What happened:

She demanded the best table, acting rude to everyone and then barely tipped.

Next "champion of the people," Jessie Jackson 9% tip.

Tipper's Name: Jesse Jackson

Restaurant: Sam's

Where it happened: Kansas City

Total bill / Tip amount / Percentage: $228.00 / $22.00 / 9%

What happened:

rude,arrogant,demanding and cheap 

Next up, Sen. John Kerry, 2% tip.

Tipper's Name: John F. Kerry

Where it happened: St. Louis

Total bill / Tip amount / Percentage: $773.24 / $20.00 / 2%

What happened:

Added $20.00 on the signature line and then scribbled a little note to vote for him. What a load of crap.

Kerry's former running mate, Sen. John Edwards, 2% tip.

Tipper's Name: John Edwards

Where it happened: Washington, D.C.

Total bill / Tip amount / Percentage: $746.25 / $13.75 / 1%

What happened:

This is the guy running for Vice President... Sat in our private section for 3 1/2 hours and left less than 2%. Jackass.

Former VP Al Gore. 8% tip.

Tipper's Name: Former VP Al Gore

Where it happened: Alexandria, VA

Total bill / Tip amount / Percentage: $40.00 / $3.50 / 8%

What happened:

Al and Tipper Gore were regulars at the restaurant I used to work at. You'd think this would be cool, waiting on a former Vice President. And it would be, if not for the fact that Al Gore is cheap.

Last time they came in, Tipper actually spilled her beer on me (it's not smart to gesture wildly with a bottle of Corona on your table). She didn't apologize—— he apologized for her. Still. Less than 10%. You'd think they'd know that the 'underclass' the Democrats claim to represent are people like waitresses in VA making $2.13 an hour. Guess not.

Lastly, Sean Penn, 0% tip. Nada. Zip. Zero.

Tipper's Name: Sean Penn

Where it happened: New Orleans

Total bill / Tip amount / Percentage: $450.00 / $0.00 / 0%

What happened:

Sean Penn is in New Orleans filming & came into my restaurant with 3 other people. Waited on them hand and foot. The bill $450.00 — the tip: none. Cheapskate.

There you have it. The champions of "fairness" and "the little guy."  Yes, President Bush and VP Cheney made the website as well. But who is claiming them as champions of the poor and oppressed victims, advocating extra government payments to make up for past suffering, etc.?

Jack Kemp (not the politician)  11 26 05

Thomas Lifson adds:

I have followed Bitter Waitress for years. It is well—known in the food and beverage industry, and at least at the upscale restaurants, it has a big following among the wait staff. When one of these bozos comes in, they usually will not treat them overtly rudely. But vengeance of another sort may sometimes occur. Let the diner beware.

Most people realize that watitrons (that's the non—sex—specific term favored theses days, believe it or not) are usually paid less than minimum wage, and that tips provide the margin of survival (to use leftist terminology) for them. To stiff a tip is to relegate someone to below minimum wage. This makes the behavior of these compassionate liberals all the more phony. Judge them by their deeds not their words.

I absolutely agree with Jack's rabbi that the best way to judge someone's character is to observe behavior with those who have no power or standing, and to do so in private in the case of celebrities and politicians. I have used this as a guide to friendships for almost my entire life, and it has proven highly reliable.

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