Howard Hyde

Howard Hyde

  • DEI and the shooting

    July 15, 2024

    DEI and the shooting

    The deranged leftist goons who are excoriating the shooter for missing are evil but not wrong; at 150 yards, it’s a relatively easy shot that any number of amateurs and deer hunters could hit. Which is why it is outrageous beyond words that ...

  • January 9, 2023

    King McCarthy and the Magna Carta

    Some Republicans are embarrassed by the spectacle of our divided party on display in the House speaker election.  Without question, some political cartoonists on the left have had a field day.  But we can share in the chuckle with...

  • April 18, 2022

    Lies, damned lies, and inflation

    The bill for the COVID lockdowns, and the War — by which I mean of course the Biden regime's scorched-but-never-drilled-into-earth assault on energy production — and all the barrels of sewing machine oil for the government printing pr...

  • November 28, 2021

    When Everyone's a White Supremacist, No One Is

    The left lost control of their narrative of the "White supremacist" "active shooter" "murderer" Kyle Rittenhouse in the face of overwhelming factual evidence of self-defense.  So leftists did what they do best ...

  • July 18, 2021

    The Green New Deal does not have to define America

    Imagine if, 30 years ago, a politician had stood up and announced, “Hello, I’m Phillip Mamauf-Wifarts and I’m running for President of the United States. If you elect me, I promise to take away your smartphone, your search engine, y...

  • October 15, 2018

    The end of the beginning

    The Kavanaugh confirmation is the high water mark of the conservative resurgence in America that began nearly ten years ago, when Barack Obama was elected president and the Democrats began steadily losing legislative seats across the country, first a...

  • January 22, 2018

    The Democrats' Unforced Errors

    The good news for us conservatives and Republicans – even in California – is that the progressive Democrats are not anywhere near as smart as they tell us they are.  They have made key unforced strategic errors in the past decad...

  • November 25, 2017

    The Tired Canard of 'Tax Cuts for the Rich'

    Behold a tax plan, or more precisely, two tax bills, one of the House signature, the other of the Senate. I’m told that there are all kinds of juicy (or disastrous, depending on whom you ask) bits in it, but what stands out to the casual observ...

  • September 21, 2017

    The Berkeley Free Speech Movement vs. Antifa

    The mayhem occurring in Berkeley and other places where fascist "Antifa" thugs have been given latitude to intimidate, beat, and hospitalize anyone with whom they disagree invites comparisons to the debate over Islam versus terrorism in the...

  • June 18, 2017

    Gun control for thee, not for me

    You have to admire Democrats; they have their positions dug in and impenetrable, whether even they believe in them or not. If a right-wing Trump-supporting extremist had shot up a Democratic Party congressional baseball practice, they would have u...

  • May 5, 2017

    Assessing President Rodham Clinton's first 100 days

    Having closed out the first one hundred days of the new administration, an assessment of the new president's accomplishments is in order. By any objective historical measure, the achievements of President Hillary Rodham Clinton have been extra...

  • May 4, 2017

    Calexit: Make Our Day

    Brendan Kirby writes on that California's progrogressives' project to secede from the union, a.k.a. "CalExit" has suffered a setback since one of its leaders has decided to move permanently to Russia. Oh, and that Cali...

  • March 25, 2017

    Obamacare Replacement: Waiting for Godzilla

    Whether you are cheering the principled holdout for a better bill or lamenting the circular firing squad led by the Freedom Caucus, the fact is that the first attempt to put a bill through the House to repeal and replace ObamaCare has landed short. S...

  • March 20, 2017

    Repeal (and Don't Replace) TEFRA 1706

    With the election of Donald Trump and Republican majorities in the House and Senate, we have an unprecedented opportunity to roll back the worst economy-killing laws and regulations of the Obama and Bush eras.  Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, and the Key...

  • October 23, 2016

    Hillary's Bright Shining Lies

    Let us give credit where it is due: She is polished, refined, well-rehearsed, and expert at hitting all of the focus group-tested notes. Her performance in the third debate was a masterful culmination of forty years of preparation for such a time as ...

  • October 17, 2016

    Trump is the right candidate

    In the department of "Until I'm Blue in the Face," again, Donald Trump was not my first, second, or sixteenth choice in the primaries.  But then again, neither was Bob Dole, John McCain, Mitt Romney, or even George W. Bush (al...

  • June 18, 2016

    Why should anyone need or want an AR-15?

    While Democrat legislators splatter us with saliva that they fraudulently pass off as tears in their quest for gun- and Bible-clinger control during moments of silence for the victims, liberals are lighting up the internet and Facebook with indignant...

  • May 6, 2016

    A Critical Job for the #NEVERTRUMPers

    To all of my friends in the Cruz campaign, the Rubio camp, the not-Trump camp and/or the #NEVERTRUMP crowd: Feeling a little discouraged? Demoralized? Nauseous? Trust me, I sympathize, and have the stains on the carpet to prove it. Permit me to at...

  • April 27, 2016

    Why should blacks vote conservative?

    Blacks who aspire to achieve the American Dream for themselves and their community should support conservative political candidates and policies, because these are the leaders and laws who have enabled the greatest number of people of all walks of li...

  • April 16, 2016

    What to Do If We Survive the Trump-Cruz-Establishment Civil War

    The astonishingly bitter divisions within the Republican ranks, at a time when one might expect us to be more unified than ever in the face of Obamaclinton, are in part a measure of the success of the "progressive" left in dismantling the c...

  • March 19, 2016

    Cruz If We Can, Trump If We Must

    Ben Shapiro and others have written several well-reasoned and impassioned pieces explaining why they will not vote for Trump in the general election under any circumstances, and why conservatives should follow their example. Most of these arguments a...

  • December 8, 2015

    Gun control is the problem

    The liberal reflexive knee-jerk reaction of calling for more gun control before any facts about the San Bernardino shooting were even known is a perfect example of what Evan Sayet calls "not just wrong, but as wrong as wrong can be....

  • June 11, 2015

    Climate Change: Where is the Science?

    Is it twice as likely that the Earth is cooling than that it is warming? That humans and fossil fuels have nothing, or everything to do with it, or somewhere in between? Or is it over 99% certain that anthropogenic carbon burning-induced warming is s...

  • April 10, 2015

    Hillary's Path to 9/11

    We will probably never know specifically what was on Hillary's email server (unless, as suggested by the Wall Street Journal, we subpoena China's military intelligence). But if the spell is finally and definitively broken, as the willingness ...

  • March 10, 2015

    Conservative Fundraising: What Me Worry?

    In the popular consciousness as successfully twisted by the progressive left, it is axiomatic that the Republican Party is the party of the rich, especially rich, old, white patriarchal Christian men; and that the Democrats are the party that defends...

  • May 19, 2014

    Making the Best of the Bums

    The latest backlash against overprivileged public officials is taking the form of a bill known as the 'If our military has to fly coach then so should Congress' Act. While these are noble and understandable sentiments, IMHO they miss a lar...

  • February 10, 2014

    Townhall Follies

    Citizens' townhall meetings with members of Congress can be painful. A college professor asks, what are you going to do so that our students can pay off their loans? Another citizen asks whether the budget will be increased for this or that soci...

  • November 1, 2013

    Where do Jobs come from?

    I have some bad news. No one gives you a job because you deserve one. No one gives you a job because you need one. Not because you are a good person, not because you are breathing, can fog a mirror, and/or are entitled. The 'free market' doesn't mean...

  • August 28, 2013

    Has Anyone Asked the Patient?

    Most Americans are increasingly aware that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, a.k.a. ObamaCare), is actually making patients less protected (losing their coverage), and is rendering health care less affordable (through rising prem...

  • July 17, 2013

    Stop the (Obamacare) World, I Want to Get Off

    Free Trade is one of the great economic boons to which we owe a large measure of our prosperity. The fact that we can buy shirts from Malaysia, electronics from Japan, wine from France and bananas from Costa Rica makes not just us but the Malaysians,...

  • July 8, 2013

    Obamacare: And Then a Miracle Happens

    So the administration has delayed implementation of the employer mandate for one year in what must be a desperate move to avoid an immediate train wreck, a tacit acknowledgment that the mandate is unworkable, or a shrewd and/or cynical political move...