Washington Post Says Fake Hate Is Rare, and Other Fairy Tales
The Washington Post promised us that fake hate crimes are “rare.” The news hounds of D.C. know that because the Southern Poverty Law Center, America’s greatest purveyors of fake hate crimes, told them so.
That is the biggest hoax of all.
The occasion for their latest prevarication was this week when even the Post had to admit that three recent nationally publicized stories of white on black hate crimes were fake as a nine-bob note. At the Air Force Academy Prep school, a black student admitted he was responsible for the racist graffiti that drew so much virtue display from so many high places. Ditto for racist drawings in Lawrence, Kansas and racist graffiti at a Missouri church.
Despite the recent hoaxes of white racism, the Post its satraps at SPLC felt the need to reassure us that white racist hate crimes are real and widespread and of course all the fault of Donald Trump.
That’s the fantasy. The reality is that black victimization is the biggest hoax of our lifetimes, and fake hate is a part of that huge liberal con game. And it is easy to see with even a cursory look at a list of recent fake hate stories that gathered national attention.
The SPLC tells so many fibs about so many fake hate crimes even they have trouble keeping track. After the election of Donald Trump, Mark Potok and MSNBC’s Chris Matthews were talking about the millions -- or was it billions? -- of hate crimes that Trump supporters were creating all over the universe when they settled on one particularly egregious example of a Moslem woman in New York whose hijab was torn from her sainted head. Trump supporters did it, of course, all the while threatening even more violence.
It never happened. Even the New York Times figured that out a few months before. But that hardly mattered to Potok and Matthews. Here’s a link to the conversation and the hoax.
This is a long list: Each one featuring the boy who cried wolf, and a bevy of reporters eager to forget the first and only rule of journalism: If your mother says she love you, check it out.
So let’s take a look at a few dozen recent examples of fake hate crimes, starting with black public officials who love to lie about black victimization. All with links.

In Texas, a state legislator blew by a state trooper doing 94 miles an hour -- his third speeding infraction for which he received a warning. Nevertheless, soon after, he took to the dais to tell his colleagues about the racist cop who was picking on him because of his skin color. Just like Sandra Bland. Then came the video of the polite and deferential officer giving the lawmaker a few tips about slowing down.
Racist police stop? Never happened.
In Jacksonville, Florida, two black city council members bitterly complained about racial profiling after one was stopped driving a car with stolen license plates. One body cam video later, this was clear: It never happened. A national police news site characterized the councilman at the wheel as a “lying scumbag.”
In Chicago, congressman and former Black Panther leader Bobby Rush said he was pulled over, then used and abused because he was black. Never happened.
In Orlando, a black state attorney was stopped because her license plate did not show up in a police computer. She complained of racial profiling. Then came the video featuring a polite cop and surly driver. Her fairy tale? Never appenhed.
In Bridgeport, Connecticut, city, state, and national media were falling over themselves to investigate racist letters threatening black cops. After a year, the full story came out. Never happened: Black cops manufactured the letters and were caught.
College professors have a special affection for claiming white racism during routine interactions with police. In Princeton, a black professor’s story of racial woe during a traffic stop for unpaid warrants attracted national attention. Then came the video: It never happened.
In Texas, a professor of journalism wrote an op-ed for the major daily paper in Dallas, recounting a hostile experience with two white cops who stopped her for walking in the middle of the road. The root of the nasty behavior directed at her? Her race. Then came the video. It never happened.
College campuses are particularly ripe for any con man or woman with a claim of racial hatred. At the University of Delaware, a Black Studies co-ed said she found a noose in a tree. Proof positive of racial hatred that required the campus police to wake up the school president. The school immediately went on full Cat 5 storm alert. An anti-racist rally was scheduled for later that day. A few hours before the rally, they figured out the noose was really a piece of string from a paper lantern, left over from an alumni party.
The rally went on, as scheduled, to protest a piece of string. The hate crime never happened.
At Albany State University in New York, three black students claimed they were attacked by 20 white people on a bus. Even Hillary Clinton got in on that one through Twitter. After lots of rallies and national attention, police released the videos from the 12 cameras on the bus. The white on black violence? Never happened. They lied.
Even after the videos, even after the trial, the three girls and their lawyers claimed they were still victims of white racism, which somehow forced them to lie.
At Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, hundreds of students turned on the outrage in protests and marches and twitter when racist graffiti was found scrawled throughout the campus. National media chimed in, as with almost all of these fake stories, saying it was just another example of the hate crimes sweeping the country in the Trump era. The kind you read about in the Washington Post and in fundraising letters from the SPLC.
It never happened: A black guy did it.
At Michigan State University, the campus was in a panic after a black student found a noose in her dorm. Never happened. It was just a pair of shoelaces on the floor.
Not to be outdone, a Moslem student at the University of Michigan claimed that three Trump supporters with bad personal hygiene beat her and threatened to set her on fire because of her religion. Never happened.
At the University of Maryland, the campus was on full anti-racist alert after racist graffiti was found. Never happened. A black guy did it.
The College Fix fills in the blanks with lots more stories of fake hate crime and fake outrage. Find it here. Even better, check the Fake Hate Crimes website.
In New Hampshire, national media fixated on the story of a black boy lynched by white racists -- complete with rope burns. It never happened. The kid was white. The Post, of course, swallowed it with gusto: hook, line, sinker, rod, reel and boat.
At the University of Louisiana in Lafayette, a black person reported a hate crime involving some rough-looking white dudes wearing Trump hats in a pickup truck throwing rocks. Never happened.
At Bowling Green State University, a black student took a picture and told the world of a secret meeting of the Ku Klux Klan -- right on campus. Never happened: The hoods were just covers for lab equipment. Even Kat Timpf figured that one out.
At North Park University in Chicago, a gay student was very proud of her courage (and newfound popularity) in the face of repeated -- and well publicized -- threats from Trump supporters. Never happened.
Cops of course, are targets of constant claims of racial hatred on the job. In Rainbow City, Alabama, a black family said racist cops beat their son and threw him off a bridge. Never happened. He was a wanted criminal, as was his passenger, and on video he ran. He jumped over a bridge railing, not knowing it was a long way down. No ghetto lottery for them.
In Memphis, a black lawyer in a nice suit told a tale of a harrowing racial encounter where he felt his life was in danger because of a trigger-happy racist cop. The video showed it never happened.
In DeKalb county, two black firefighters filed a complaint alleging racial abuse at the hands of a black cop. It never happened.
You might think Hollywood actresses would know a bit more about video, but not in these two cases. Taraji Henson, start of the TV hit Empire, said her son was racially abused in Glendale for one reason and one reason only: He was black. When police released the video, it showed a hyper polite cop giving her son a warning -- and some fatherly advice -- even after catching him blowing through a pedestrian crossing with pot and prescription drugs. All on video.
In West Hollywood, a black actress with a part in Django Unchained told the world about the racial indignity she suffered at the hands of a white cop -- all while she and her boyfriend were just sitting in their car. When the audio and video tapes were released, it was revealed they were having sex in public, the neighbors reported them, the cop was polite, and everything she said Never Happened.
By far, the greatest amount of fake racial hatred was inspired by the election of Donald Trump. A smattering:
In Malden, Massachusetts, a black man garnered a lot of sympathy -- and attention -- for his story of some white guys who threatened to lynch him because Malden was now “Trump Country.” Never happened.
In Santa Monica, Chris Ball told his friends that a group of Trump supporters beat him because he was gay and because everyone knows Trumpers hate gay people. Santa Monica police said that never happened. Even Snopes.com, which rarely met a hate crime it did not love, had to beg off on that fairy tale, because it Never Happened.
In Philadelphia, residents of that Democrat city were not surprised to learn that Trump partisans were spray painting racist slogans all over town following his election. Only it never happened. A black guy did it.
But even the most jaded Philly partisan was surprised at this story. It started off like all the others: Big bad Trump people were spreading hateful graffiti in the City of Brotherly Love. It never happened: A blue blooded member of the city attorney’s staff was caught in the act. A white guy, in an expensive suit carrying a glass of white wine.
Down in Mississippi, some Trumponian miscreant set a black church on fire, leaving behind racist and pro-Trump graffiti as a calling card: It never happened: A black church member did it.
Out in Chandler, Arizona, it was clear to members of a local synagogue that Trump supporters vandalized a Jewish cemetery. It never happened. But they did arrest four black people for doing it. That happened.
This is a long list with lots more to be found on my YouTube playlist of fake hate crimes. Or just about any copy of the Washington Post at random.
Some of the lies the Post and the SPLC love to spread have consequences. In Charlotte, thousands of black people rampaged through the streets, destroying property and hurting cops -- 16 ended up in the hospital -- all because reporters and public officials took the hate bait and believed a fairy tale that the cops killed a black person for no reason what so ever. Never happened.
Then it happened again a few nights later: Black ministers were among the dozen or so people who insisted that -- during a protest for the fake racist killing -- cops killed a Black Lives Matter protestor. For no reason whatsoever. Giving the violence a boost.
It never happened. A black guy was killed by another black guy at close range over the same kind of beef that gets black guys killed every day. That happened. The rest? Just two big fat lies -- swallowed whole by the Post.
Similar lies were told and swallowed wholesale in Milwaukee, sparking even bigger riots.
But by far the biggest lie with the greatest consequences came out of Ferguson, Missouri. Thousands of reporters from across the country could not repeat often enough the greatest lie of the last two years: Police martyred St. Michael Brown with his hands in the air saying “don’t’ shoot.”
Even the Washington Post almost a year later got around to admitting that Hands Up, Don’t Shoot was a lie -- naming it as one of its top Pinocchio’s of the Year. Curiously, the Post neglected its own role in spreading this lie, with hundreds of its editorial employees signing off on more than 100 stories in every nook and cranny of the paper.
They even repeated the lie of St. Michael a few months later during a story on black activism at Howard University.
There are so many more of these fake stories reporting fake hate crimes. How many do you want? That’s how many there are. All eagerly reported. All desperately denied when they are found to be fairy tales.
But by far, my favorite hate crime hoax story was another one perpetuated by the Potok and the SLPC. They said an intrepid reporter uncovering black mob violence in previously unknown quanities was the one really responsible for the Boston Marathon Bombing.
That dashing reporter apparently created a climate of hate, all by himself. That’s what he told Rachel Maddow as she smiled knowingly.
And the reporter responsible for that disaster? That was me.
When not causing Moslem hate violence in Boston, Colin Flaherty is the author of that scintillating best seller, Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The hoax of black victmization and those who enable it. Everything in that book is actually true.
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