Crime Is the New Black Entitlement
Crime is the new black entitlement.
As long as black people are permanent victims of relentless white racism, cops should not chase them, juries should not convict them, judges should not sentence them, schools should not punish them, and white victims should not complain about the black crime and violence so wildly out of proportion.
This is what a growing number of lawmakers, professors and, of course, reporters are prescribing as a way to “improve the way our system serves justice.”
The latest came on NPR a few days ago when Georgetown Law professor and former federal prosecutor Paul Butler broke it down for the racially unenlightened:
“If you go to criminal court in D.C., you would think that white people don’t commit crimes,” Butler said. “White people don’t use drugs, they don’t get into fights, they don’t steal, because all you see are African American people.”
Before you pack your child off to Georgetown Law school -- or if you usually do not believe something too ridiculous to be true -- you might want to hear the distinguished professor wax at length on this video: Racial Jury Nullification at Georgetown Law.
One group of “African American people” Butler will never see in a D.C. court are the black people who beat the white husband of an NPR executive into a bloody, broken mess on the D.C. Metro line. You can find the details here from my account at the American Thinker, but not from NPR, which never covered it. NPR Another Victim of Black Violence and Denial.
Neither will Butler find the black people who attacked the NPR producer from Kentucky, in D.C. on company business. You can find the details of that in the scintillating best seller Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry. But not on NPR.
And yes, professor, black criminality is just as wildly out of proportion in Washington as it is in the rest of country. Even more so.

Butler says there are two justice systems in America, one for white people and one for black. He proposes to correct this inequity with a system of racial jury nullification to promote the new entitlement of black criminality: “I encourage any juror who thinks the police or prosecutors have crossed the line in a particular case to refuse to convict.”
To make his case, Butler trotted out some information from the National Institute of Health which he says proves that black people and white people use drugs in the same amount, but black people are arrested and convicted many times more than their drug-using white counterparts.
QED: Courtroom racism is rampant and if you do not see that, well, you know what that makes you.
That is part of the greatest lie of our generation and here is why.
The National Institute of Health -- and everyone else who repeats that bogus claim -- are using info gathered from the Census Bureau: Instead of filling out a questionnaire, sometimes the Census Bureau will go into a home and ask the occupants a series of other questions, including if they use illegal drugs.
When they do, black and white people basically give the same answers in the same amounts.
That is called self-reporting and it boils down to this: can we depend on drug users to tell the truth about their drug use? Short answer: No. Long answer, when you actually test people, doctors find there are two determinants of whether the person was actually telling the truth about their drug use: One, were they recently released from prison?
Two, are they black?
Yes, they actually say that.
Here’s a summary of a few of the peer-reviewed studies from the scintillating best seller Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry:
Some doctors down at Johns Hopkins University actually found out what happens when you test the reliability of self-reporting of marijuana and other drug use among black people. A study of 290 African American men in Baltimore, Maryland undergoing treatment for hypertension showed that self-reporting of illicit drug use is unreliable.
Only 48 of the participants reported drug use but urine drug tests revealed that 131 had used drugs. With self-reporting, drug use among black people was 16 percent. With testing, 45 percent. Ooops. There’s more. Different study. Different journal.
According to the medical journal Addictive Behaviors, “underreporting of cocaine was documented with urine testing validation as well where African Americans in comparison to Caucasians who were urine positive were about 6 times less likely to report cocaine use when other factors are controlled for.”
Translation: When you ask, white people and black people report using cocaine in about the same amount. But when you test, black people are six times more likely to use cocaine. And lie about it.
More from the same journal for you science junkies: “The present study also identified predictors of discrepancies between self-report and hair testing. Race was the most salient predictor of cocaine disagreement.”
“Even when other factors were controlled for, the self-report and hair test results for African Americans were more discrepant than for non-African Americans, a finding consistent with past studies (Fendrich, et al., 1999; Feucht, Stephens, & Walker, 1994).”
“In a large study of youth (9 − 20), underreporting of cocaine was documented with urine testing validation as well (Fendrich & Yanchun, 1994) where African Americans in comparison to Caucasians who were urine positive were about 6 times less likely to report cocaine use when other factors are controlled for.”
This is hardly new: ask a cop what happens when they pull over a black person for anything from a routine traffic stop to investigating a murder. ’99 percent tell us we are only doing that because they are black,’ said dozens and dozens of active and retired cops to me over the last five years.
What Butler wants, many cities already have: they are called Bronx juries -- where black people tend not to convict black defendants. Even Hollywood uber-liberal David Simon had to acknowledge that in his 2013 book:
The effect of race on the judicial system is freely acknowledged by prosecutors and defense attorneys-black and white alike -- although the issue is rarely raised directly in court. Race is instead a tacit presence that accompanies almost every panel of twelve into a Baltimore jury room.
Once, in a rare display, a black defense attorney actually pointed to her own forearm while giving closing arguments to an all-black panel: “Brothers and sisters,” she said, as two white detectives went out of their minds in the back row of the gallery,“ I think we all know what this case is about.”
In a Cleveland nail salon, a black customer was raging in and out of the store when confronted with the manager who restrained her, then fought with her until the police arrived.
“You can’t do this to me,” she said in a viral video. “I’m black… And besides, you are white and you don’t know shit.” A few days later a few dozen protestors gathered to remind reporters that putting your hands on a black woman for any reason is illegal. Even if she is trying to steal from you.
in Philadelphia, the NAACP is demanding the district attorney prosecute an Asian business owner after chasing and shooting a black robber with a knife -- and the businessman’s money.
The NAACP joined hundreds of parents and groups around the country who wonder why people with guns have to defend themselves against black people with bad intentions? Like the sister who said her brother should not have been shot during a home invasion robbery because “where else is he going to get his money?”
Or the parents who criticized the Pizza Hut employee for shooting their son while he was trying to rob them. After all, it wasn't their money and didn’t insurance cover it? So why did their son have to die just for committing an armed robbery?
Crime is the new black entitlement.
Down in Jackson, Mississippi, a black city councilman said the black leaders of that city should encourage black people to “throw rocks and bricks and bottles” at police if they chase black criminals into their town. “That will send a message we don’t want you in here.”
The councilman would also like the taxpayers of Jackson to pay for any loot that a black citizen may have stolen. Thus removing any other need for police to chase the “babies” in that city after they commit a crime.
And no: I would not expect you to believe it without seeing him say it here: Video: Crime Is The New Black Entitlement.
Next stop, Madison, Wisconsin: a black pastor who was a top official at the University of Wisconsin and who now sits on the bench as a judge, echoed the councilman about arresting black criminals: “I just dont think they should be prosecuting cases of people who steal from Wal-Mart,” said Dane County Judge Everett Mitchell. “I dont think Target -- or all those other big box places that have insurance -- should be using that as justification to use aggressive police practices.”
“They do that all the time to justify why they are going to over police our children,” said the judge.
The over-policing thing was a hot topic on the Democrat presidential campaign trail last year. Berry and Hillary each tried to outdo the other with the sympathy for the plight of the black criminal: Hillary talked about why more black people are in prison than white people “for no good reason.” And Bernie loved talking about the racist over-policing of black people as well.
“What we have to do is end over-policing in African-American neighborhoods,” Bernie said during the Democrat debate in Milwaukee. “The reality is that both the African American community and the white community do marijuana at about equal rates. Reality is four time as many blacks get arrested for marijuana.”
There’s that big lie again. And there are the thousands of reporters and public officials eager to repeat it with enthusiasm, without a trace of truth.
Let’s head over to Philadelphia to hear from Judge Wayne Bennett, who writes a blog called the "Field Negro." Bennett had just read one of the columns from the Great Thomas Sowell where he talked about the modest contributions of your humble correspondent to the field of black criminality and journalistic denial.
Sowell wanted to know how crime as the new black entitlement could happen. Bennett supplied a popular rationale: White people deserve it.
“No matter how violent young black punks are towards white people, it will never make up for all the violence against people of color throughout this nation’s history.”
This judge could have been channeling the former President of the United States and thousands of those who worked for him and made black on white racial hostility mainstream.
One of the most active fronts in this fight for crime as the new black entitlement are the schools. For eight years, the Obama administration warned school officials throughout the country that there is no reason to believe there is any difference between white and black children when it comes to behavior and grades.
So any difference in discipline and academic performance can be the result of one cause only: White racism.
That caused schools around the country to stop calling police for criminal offenses such as drug use and assault. And replace it with “restorative justice,” which involves lots of talking and lots of promises to never do it again.
In New York City, the mayor last week ordered city schools to “stop documenting” what school officials calls minor crimes such as drugs and other misconduct.
The reason is known to every teacher and administrator in America: Black students are victims of white racism in the classroom that causes teachers to pick on them for no reason whatsoever. Thus resulting in lower grades and more suspensions.
No more.
The list of public officials calling to make crime the new black entitlement is long and growing. Out in Kansas City, they liked their mayor Emmanual Cleaver so much they named a freeway after him.
Now he’s a congressman where he serves as an enthusiastic member of the Black Caucus: every member of that caucus at one time or another has agreed: Black people and white people commit the same amount of crime, but the only reason black people are arrested more often is because of too many police in black neighborhoods.
‘Take the police out of black neighborhoods and put them in white neighborhoods and you would have the same amount of crime,’ they say, over and over and over.
In Kansas City, large groups of black people descend dozens of times a year on that town’s entertainment district called the Country Club Plaza. There they cause violence and mayhem and property destruction with predictable regularity.
On one of Cleaver’s visits to his hometown, Cleaver told a local reporter he did not support curfews to outlaw the large scale black mob violence at the Plaza, because “all that would do is make a lot of black kids angry.”
Colin Flaherty is the author of the #1 Amazon Bestseller Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry. Many of the episodes in this article can be found by clicking here for a link to his YouTube channel.
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