It’s Official: Liberals Care Only About Illegals and Muslims
A couple of weeks ago I penned a comprehensive and mandatory piece that I modestly titled “A General Theory of Leftist Politics.” I argued that leftist politics has always been about representing the unrepresented, the people outside the system. Think workers in 1850, African-Americans in 1950.
Imagine my delight when I noticed, on my regular afternoon walk, one of those placards that are starting to breed like rabbits outside liberal houses in liberal North Seattle. The sign said, in English, in Spanish, and in Arabic, that you are welcome here and you belong.
Was I right, or was I right? Liberals now demand the right to represent the only people left in the world that are not properly represented by the system: illegal Hispanic aliens and violent Muslim jihadis. And they are signaling their virtue with mass-produced signs outside their wealthy homes in their wealthy fashionable neighborhoods.
I wonder which Democratic bigwig runs the non-partisan 501(c)(3) Center for Lefty Antifascist Astroturf Resistance and Messaging that coordinates this sort of thing.
Hey, liberals! There’s a reason why illegal Hispanics and jihadis aren’t represented by the system. In the first place, they have broken the law by coming here without completing the administrative state’s vital and voluminous paperwork. In the second place, they intend to break the law by violently overturning the United States government and its separation of church and state, replacing Western culture with Sharia law. And I thought that you guys were supposed to be the smart ones.
My point, in the original article, was that the strategy of representing the unrepresented was a wizard wheeze back in 1850. And in 1950 it was noble and honorable to make African-Americans full members of the American family.
But now, after 40 years of wage stagnation, we need to welcome the world? After 50 years of stigmatizing Christian fundamentalism, we need to import and promote Muslim fundamentalism? Alas, it’s the only game the left knows how to play.
Good luck with that agenda, Tom Perez, if you want to get the Democrats back into the winner’s circle here in the good old USA.
Let us talk about why the white working class has finally turned up in the Republican column. It is because the left repaid the loyalty of the working class -- won 150 years ago -- by leading it into the wilderness, with no Promised Land at the end of the journey. Why? Because the left blocked off the road to the middle class with tribal labor unions and replaced mutual aid and fraternal associations with government welfare. So the white working class ended up dying of despair in the Rust Belt, and liberals didn’t care. In fact New York Times columnist Charles Blow seems to think that the white working class had it coming.
You may have noticed that President Trump is clearly making a bid for the votes of African-Americans. I say he has a sporting chance, given that liberals have repaid the loyalty of African-Americans -- won 70 years ago -- by leading them into the wilderness, with no Promised Land at the end of the journey. Why? Because the left blocked off the road to the middle class with identity politics and Black Lives Matter. No wonder African-Americans are angry -- the First Black President seems to have done nothing for them.
Now let us talk about women, that seem to be beside themselves after having got out the champagne to celebrate the First Woman President last November. I’d say that someday, after the liberals have left them in the wilderness of divorce, sexual revolution, abortion, no children, and a boring nine-to-five job with no Promised Land of a work/life balance in sight, that even the liberal women presently besieging their therapists will realize that they have been had. And hell hath no fury, etc.
Have you noticed? What I have just written about the working class is called, by our liberal friends, classism; what I have just written about African-Americans is called, by our liberal friends, racism; and what I have just written down about women is sexism.
You may wonder why that is so, but I do not. I have stopped wondering about that sort of thing. There is only one answer to the vile accusation of racism, sexism, or homophobia: We Don’t Care.
God bless our liberal rulers for doubling down on their represent-the-unrepresented politics. It may be the only thing they know, it may lead millions of people into the wilderness, it may be brutally divisive and neo-feudal, but at least they believe in it, and at least they are consistent.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t see a lot of Americans voting for the party of illegal immigration and religious war.
Christopher Chantrill @chrischantrill runs the go-to site on US government finances, Also see his American Manifesto and get his Road to the Middle Class.
A couple of weeks ago I penned a comprehensive and mandatory piece that I modestly titled “A General Theory of Leftist Politics.” I argued that leftist politics has always been about representing the unrepresented, the people outside the system. Think workers in 1850, African-Americans in 1950.
Imagine my delight when I noticed, on my regular afternoon walk, one of those placards that are starting to breed like rabbits outside liberal houses in liberal North Seattle. The sign said, in English, in Spanish, and in Arabic, that you are welcome here and you belong.
Was I right, or was I right? Liberals now demand the right to represent the only people left in the world that are not properly represented by the system: illegal Hispanic aliens and violent Muslim jihadis. And they are signaling their virtue with mass-produced signs outside their wealthy homes in their wealthy fashionable neighborhoods.
I wonder which Democratic bigwig runs the non-partisan 501(c)(3) Center for Lefty Antifascist Astroturf Resistance and Messaging that coordinates this sort of thing.
Hey, liberals! There’s a reason why illegal Hispanics and jihadis aren’t represented by the system. In the first place, they have broken the law by coming here without completing the administrative state’s vital and voluminous paperwork. In the second place, they intend to break the law by violently overturning the United States government and its separation of church and state, replacing Western culture with Sharia law. And I thought that you guys were supposed to be the smart ones.
My point, in the original article, was that the strategy of representing the unrepresented was a wizard wheeze back in 1850. And in 1950 it was noble and honorable to make African-Americans full members of the American family.
But now, after 40 years of wage stagnation, we need to welcome the world? After 50 years of stigmatizing Christian fundamentalism, we need to import and promote Muslim fundamentalism? Alas, it’s the only game the left knows how to play.
Good luck with that agenda, Tom Perez, if you want to get the Democrats back into the winner’s circle here in the good old USA.
Let us talk about why the white working class has finally turned up in the Republican column. It is because the left repaid the loyalty of the working class -- won 150 years ago -- by leading it into the wilderness, with no Promised Land at the end of the journey. Why? Because the left blocked off the road to the middle class with tribal labor unions and replaced mutual aid and fraternal associations with government welfare. So the white working class ended up dying of despair in the Rust Belt, and liberals didn’t care. In fact New York Times columnist Charles Blow seems to think that the white working class had it coming.
You may have noticed that President Trump is clearly making a bid for the votes of African-Americans. I say he has a sporting chance, given that liberals have repaid the loyalty of African-Americans -- won 70 years ago -- by leading them into the wilderness, with no Promised Land at the end of the journey. Why? Because the left blocked off the road to the middle class with identity politics and Black Lives Matter. No wonder African-Americans are angry -- the First Black President seems to have done nothing for them.
Now let us talk about women, that seem to be beside themselves after having got out the champagne to celebrate the First Woman President last November. I’d say that someday, after the liberals have left them in the wilderness of divorce, sexual revolution, abortion, no children, and a boring nine-to-five job with no Promised Land of a work/life balance in sight, that even the liberal women presently besieging their therapists will realize that they have been had. And hell hath no fury, etc.
Have you noticed? What I have just written about the working class is called, by our liberal friends, classism; what I have just written about African-Americans is called, by our liberal friends, racism; and what I have just written down about women is sexism.
You may wonder why that is so, but I do not. I have stopped wondering about that sort of thing. There is only one answer to the vile accusation of racism, sexism, or homophobia: We Don’t Care.
God bless our liberal rulers for doubling down on their represent-the-unrepresented politics. It may be the only thing they know, it may lead millions of people into the wilderness, it may be brutally divisive and neo-feudal, but at least they believe in it, and at least they are consistent.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t see a lot of Americans voting for the party of illegal immigration and religious war.
Christopher Chantrill @chrischantrill runs the go-to site on US government finances, Also see his American Manifesto and get his Road to the Middle Class.
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