A Look at the Dysfunctional Relations between Women and Men

Tied Up in Knots by Andrea Tantaros discusses relations between men and women in America, and how they have become dysfunctional. The changes within the feminist movement have affected how each gender reacts towards each other regarding intimacy, authenticity, kindness, respect, discretion, and above all commitment. Readers should know her as one of Fox News most informative commentators and a co-host of the show Outnumbered.

People need to read this book to get a fast check on relationships, how the sexes treat each other, and the responsibilities of society.  While reading the chapters people can relate to the author's comments with current issues. American Thinker had the privilege of interviewing her about her book and her opinions about today's world.

Regarding the provocative cover, Tantaros said there has been no criticism and jokingly hopes that will continue.  "It is inspired by the Wonder Woman pose.  I hope people see how it symbolizes the modern female who is very powerful, but tied up in her own lasso of truth."

The book shows the hypocrisy of those claiming women's rights.  Tantaros feels the glass ceiling is being chipped away, "being replaced by a glass floor.  There are females who stand in the way of their own.  I write in the book about Madeline Albright's treatment of women when she said, 'There's a special place in hell for women who don't help other women.' Then there was feminist Gloria Steinem who actually insulted women, claiming 'Young women back Bernie because the boys are with Bernie.'  I guess women do not have a right to choose when it comes to our political choices. If you disagree with Hillary Clinton and do not want her to be President you appear either sexist or self-loathing."

When asked about playing the women's card Tantaros responded, "It is so weak and so tiresome.  Just look at Clinton's recent argument that her low approval numbers have to do with sexism.  This is absurd.  I do not want her as my commander-in-chief because she is inept.  Her defense about the email controversy is that she did not know the rules.  Basically, this shows she is using incompetence as a defense.  She is unfit to be President and it has nothing to do with her gender.  She is only concerned about the advancement of one woman, herself."

 The chapter, "Twisted Sister," is very compelling.  Tantaros feels "women summits, sisterhood, everyone sticking together, just does not exist.  I put the quote in the book, 'Men, don't bother trying to understand women.  Women understand women and they hate each other.'  Historically women competed for other women over a man.  But now the cattiness has exploded because we are all competing not just in our personal lives, but also in our professional lives.  We talk about 'mean girls' as we listen to these hypocrites say that women need to stick together.  The sisterhood is such a sham and never existed.  We all don't have to get along or be friends, but we should not treat each other as enemies.  We should respect one another."

Yet, how many feminists speak out against radical Islam?  When asked, she noted, "I think it is so disgraceful that we have heard so little from the women's movement in this country against radical Islam.  We heard very little from Hillary Clinton's State Department, not a peep from women's magazines, and nothing from this administration.  We have ignored what happened in Germany, Sweden, and England.  Law enforcement and the media covered it up.  Remember the female reporter who was gang raped in Egypt?  Where is she now and what happened to her?  The press would rather ignore stories like this and focus on how terrible are Republican men.  It makes my blood boil."

The book also goes into a lot of detail about how women are sending mixed messages to men.  She writes of Girls actress Zosia Mamet comments in Marie Claire about the loss of romance and old-time dating rituals.  Mamet wrote, "Not that long ago a guy spent the night with me.  We went to breakfast the next day.  The check came.  I went to the bathroom, came back.  It was still there… Seeing my confusion, he said he didn't want to offend me by paying on 'my side of town'-So he's thinking I'd be offended, and I'm thinking, if you've already Lewis-and-Clarked my body, maybe buy my oatmeal."

She commented, "Women need men.  We want a soulful, sexy, and inspired union that can help us realize our full potential in life.  We want our mate to be our best friend, an emotional and spiritual confident, an intellectual counterpart, and who loves us with a passion. As I write in my book, I agree with both Sheryl Sandberg who said in her book, Lean In, the most important thing a woman could do is to choose the right husband, and Patti Stranger, the famous matchmaker, who echoes this thought when she said, 'women, you cannot have your penis and eat it too.'"

Tied Up in Knots is a shocking, funny, and honest narrative about today's gender gaps.  It is insightful, informative, and relevant to what is happening currently in the world.  Anyone wanting to understand women of the 21st Century should read this book.

The author writes for American Thinker.  She has done book reviews and author interviews and has written a number of national security, political, and foreign policy articles.

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