Panic in Pittsburgh: Media Struggling to Ignore Black Mob Violence

Black people in Pittsburgh were feeling poorly about crime: Too many of them were in the news accused of killing, robbing, assaulting, jacking, shooting, stealing, rioting, breaking, burgling, harassing, intimidating, threatening, fighting, throwing, running, stoning, smoking, drinking, escaping, drugging, firing, and destroying.

So in 2011, black leaders got together to do something about it: Not stop the crime. Just stop reporters from letting us know about it.

Because it is a little-known fact of psychology that drawing attention to black crime actually causes more black crime -- which draws more attention, which creates more crime. And on and on until black crime is six, ten, 50, 100 times greater than white and asian crime.

Where it is today.

"If the only information about black people is what's in the news, there's a reason why unemployment rate is astronomic and why we have all these negative issues -- because the imaging of black people is extremely negative," said Black Political Empowerment Project president Tim Stevens. "Not only does it affect the viewpoint of white people with their thoughts on black people, I say it affects the psychology of black people.”

That quote comes from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, one of the many members of the local media that were eager participants in the “media summit” to do fewer stories about black criminals.

The editors got the message: It was okay to do stories on black colleges, black churches, black history, black hospitals, black religion, black fraternities, black funeral homes, black radio, black activists, black groups and -- above all, black victims of white racism. But black crime?


Flash forward to 2015: Large-scale black mob violence is now an accepted part of life in the Pittsburgh area. The latest example came last week, when hundreds of black people rioted outside of a carnival at St. Basil’s parish.

No one in the press called it a riot. Neither did they identify the hundreds of people involved as black. A few cops and residents took care of that in emails.

The parish cancelled the 40-year tradition permanently, for the “safety of its parishioners,” said the pastor. And oh yeah, black violence has been a fact of life in that neighborhood for a long time.

The local city councilmember said she is really, really sad about it, and had no idea why it happened, but she is pretty sure it was caused by not enough social programs. And as soon as she returns from an out of town conference where she is learning to do exactly that, she will fix it.

Not a word from police, politicians, or media that this kind of violence in Pittsburgh is a black thing. And happens wildly out of proportion.

These, of course, are the same folks eager to report on the latest black lives matter fairy tale from Ferguson or Staten Island or Texas.

But black on white crime?


The uprising at St. Basil is at least the ninth time this summer that black mob violence has erupted at a carnival or amusement park -- the second in Pittsburgh. Here’s a playlist with a few videos of the other recent events.

The first was the opening night at a local amusement park called Kennywood. Fighting in and out of the park led the authorities to 1) close the park early; and 2) deny anything was happening.

As for the videos that showed large numbers of black people fighting and creating mayhem, in and outside of the park, they were not telling the truth, said park officials.

Residents took to Twitter and Facebook and YouTube to put the event in perspective: Black violence at Kennywood is a problem today -- and has been for a long time.

“Everyone making fun of the riot at Kennywood were obviously not there,” said one park goer on Twitter. “Scariest (event) I’ve even seen/been in …”

Said another local: “I've lived in Pittsburgh my whole life and this is nothing new. I remember at least 20 years ago leaving Kennywood at the end of the night with my parents and being stuck in traffic in the shitty neighborhoods near the park with everyone else leaving at the same time. Groups of young black men would gather on the street corners near the park and hurl rocks and bottles at the cars while the traffic slowed to a crawl.”

Local media responded in a similar fashion to at least two cases of black mob violence at the Fourth of July holiday Regatta celebration in Pittsburgh. The night of the event, one TV news operation declared the large party was a “success” because there was no violence and everyone was happy.

It took a few days for that fairy tale to unwind. Norman Freeman saw a large group of black people attacking an Afghanistan military veteran and his wife during the regatta. He helped and broke a few fingers in the process.

WPXI-TV broadcast a video of the assault, with the features of all involved blurred to the point of being unrecognizable.

That is not to be confused with the group of black people who fought at the Regatta, then again later that evening when some of the combatants got off a bus.

In May, three black people attacked an old white dude. He’s in the hospital -- and “won’t recover,” said the headline from a local TV station. The same media outlet also said it was a “random” attack -- when in fact is was the opposite: Black on white crime and violence is not random, but predicable.

He just died.

Moving on… Earlier this year, there were several episodes of black mob violence near the Monroeville Mall, in a suburb of Pittsburgh. All documented in that scintillating best seller: Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry.

The local TV news crews pieced together some of the action from April: Hundreds of “college kids” arriving on “school buses” to a “huge party” featuring large fights and gunfire at police. And of course lots of mayhem and property destruction.

Twenty neighboring police departments were called in to help quell this non-event.

And oh yeah, that has been happening for a long time at this mall.

But the fact that this was a black party for black students organized by black people and students came from black fraternities and sororities -- not a word. Here is a video collection of black mob violence in this area.

During Christmas season seven months ago, the same mall had to close early after hundreds of black people were fighting and rampaging destroying property. On video.

“What in the world went on there?” asked one TV anchor, pretending not to know. Even though 1000 “teenagers” were involved in the violence, the Monroeville police only needed help from five other departments.

In February, it happened again: A group of black people in Macy’s at the mall started fighting and firing guns. Tom and Mary Singleton were in the mall with their teenaged daughter. This white couple took several bullet wounds. On video.

Soon after, the mall banished “teenagers” without adult escorts.

A few days after that at a nearby shopping district called the Waterfront, a large group of black people threw rocks at police officers. One reporter figured it out: “A lot of teens have been coming here since the Monroeville mall no longer allows them there alone,” said a reporter for Action News 4. “It is a sight you will see more often. For police, the added patrols are necessary. The shopping area has suddenly been flooded with kids -- groups of them late at night and on weekends, creating chaos and crime.”

Kids. Kids. Kids.

Lots of reporters and victims and eye witnesses and shop keepers were talking about it, everything except the central organizing feature of the violence. The perps were black. The victims were not.

This is a long list: With lots of videos, lots of victims, lots of eyewitnesses, and lots of reporters and public officials who will do just about anything to ignore, deny, and excuse these episodes of black mob violence and black on white crime in Pittsburgh. And other places in the country over the past few days as well:

In St. Paul, over the weekend at the Rice Street Festival.

And Erie, Pennsylvania over the weekend at an eviction party.

And Indianapolis over the weekend, where large groups of black people fought and fired guns at police.

And Boston.

And Asbury Park, Thursday night.

And Madison, Wisconsin.

And Springfield, Missouri.

And back to Indy, near a county fair, with three cases of violence in three nights.

Or Hartford.

Back to Madison, for this news story.

And Virginia Beach.

What about Cleveland: The black lives matter mob attacked some cops.

Chicago: Police under attack, again.

Or Akron: A flash rob at a Circle K.

Or New Jersey: We Wildin’, they shouted.

And don’t forget the home of the Fighting Irish.

That’s a lot of video.

There’s a lot more. Recent. Ignored. Routine.

With all the black mob violence around the country, the criminals and their enablers in Pittsburgh must be in a panic. Despite their best efforts to the contrary, lots of people are starting to figure out that violence in America is a black thing.

All this attention must be doing irreparable psychological harm to the black people who commit the crimes. And to those who would have us ignore them.


Wrong, says former prison psychologist Marlin Newburn.

“Black street predators are merely living their preferred lifestyle where property destruction and primitive brutality bring them the sadistic entertainment and power they enjoy,” Newburn said. “What’s worse is that there is nobody in the mainstream media or in political office willing to step up in the light and call the community-killing exactly what it is. Worse yet, they outright lie about these black crimes by using some Orwellian newspeak to redirect accurate descriptions of the predators.

“Cowardice by the power elite fuels the carnage while hastening the death of business and communities. And more blacks will end up dead or in prison.

“As a prison psychologist I've talked with hundreds of young black predators who simply said they "was just havin' fun." They did not have a recognizable conscience, no thoughts of personal responsibility or feelings of guilt or empathy for their victims, nor did they remotely have a grasp of the pain and community destruction they and their "homeboys" caused. 

“Having the emotional maturity level of a pre-adolescent, ages 8 to 12 inclusive, they act on emotions, not thought. They are completely infantalized due to never being held accountable for their actions. Because of never having been taught delayed gratification and consideration of others, they also live and act on impulse, never thinking of possible consequences.

“They are classic narcissists where the world must conform to their impulses or demands.

“That the media and political powers are willing to turn a collective blind eye on the pathology helps black crime grow. It demonstrates a tacit acceptance of the mayhem.

“Not accurately reporting the willful destruction and assaults of others by black street predators is a form of caring in their eyes, but it's pathological altruism at its sickest. It's a very sick form of "understanding" under the belief that they are being compassionate toward their imagined put-upon black people as said black people live a libertine lifestyle.

“All they're doing is helping increase the insanity as the black predator knows he covered with a blanket anonymity, and that there is no one in power who will hold him personally responsible. Until they end up dead or in prison, they enjoy the predator lifestyle.” 

Colin Flaherty is the author of Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry
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