Mentally castrated man gives his kid emasculated last name
The latest fad in so-called "gender equality"? Giving kids feminist-approved last names!
Zelda Violet Frissberg, born to Mr Bloomberg's eldest daughter Emma Bloomberg and her husband Chris Frissora in March, has been given a surname that represents both her mother and father.
A combination of 'Frissora' and 'Bloomberg', the infant's hybrid name reflects the word used by her parents' friends to describe them as a couple, a family spokesman told the New York Times.
Why would any father agree to this? For untold hundreds of years, children have had the names of their fathers. It's a very longstanding tradition that's associated with male leadership of families. Even in this age of "equality," it is still the custom. So when a man gives up this right, something looks very odd.
The article doesn't really explain why the father agreed to this. I tried to research Chris Frissora online, to see if perhaps he had had an accident. If, for example, he had lost his genitals in a motorcycle accident, or if he had crushed his genitals while bouncing up and down on a wild horseback riding adventure, I could understand his attitude.
I remember when "gender equality" meant that women had to keep their own last name. That itself was ironic, because the names they were preserving were their fathers'; in their feminist wisdom, they were keeping one man's name rather than giving it up for another. But then many women worried that by keeping their last names, they could not show off that they were married, so many women started hyphenating their names, putting their names in the middle and their emasculated husbands' at the end.
But I guess that that wasn't enough, and now the children have to have confusing names, too. I guess the next step is for men, upon marrying, to take their wives' last names. After all, women have been giving up their names for centuries, so isn't it fair play that men do the same for a few centuries?
Exit questions:
1) For men, if your wife asked your kids to have a mishmash last name out of "fairness," what would you say?
2) What kind of man do you think would agree to this?
This article was produced by, the conservative news site.
The latest fad in so-called "gender equality"? Giving kids feminist-approved last names!
Zelda Violet Frissberg, born to Mr Bloomberg's eldest daughter Emma Bloomberg and her husband Chris Frissora in March, has been given a surname that represents both her mother and father.
A combination of 'Frissora' and 'Bloomberg', the infant's hybrid name reflects the word used by her parents' friends to describe them as a couple, a family spokesman told the New York Times.
Why would any father agree to this? For untold hundreds of years, children have had the names of their fathers. It's a very longstanding tradition that's associated with male leadership of families. Even in this age of "equality," it is still the custom. So when a man gives up this right, something looks very odd.
The article doesn't really explain why the father agreed to this. I tried to research Chris Frissora online, to see if perhaps he had had an accident. If, for example, he had lost his genitals in a motorcycle accident, or if he had crushed his genitals while bouncing up and down on a wild horseback riding adventure, I could understand his attitude.
I remember when "gender equality" meant that women had to keep their own last name. That itself was ironic, because the names they were preserving were their fathers'; in their feminist wisdom, they were keeping one man's name rather than giving it up for another. But then many women worried that by keeping their last names, they could not show off that they were married, so many women started hyphenating their names, putting their names in the middle and their emasculated husbands' at the end.
But I guess that that wasn't enough, and now the children have to have confusing names, too. I guess the next step is for men, upon marrying, to take their wives' last names. After all, women have been giving up their names for centuries, so isn't it fair play that men do the same for a few centuries?
Exit questions:
1) For men, if your wife asked your kids to have a mishmash last name out of "fairness," what would you say?
2) What kind of man do you think would agree to this?
This article was produced by, the conservative news site.
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